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Light Scattering

In this chapter we won't actually program anything. We'll just be setting up for a big lighting change in the next chapter. Our ray tracing program from the first two books scatters a ray when it interacts with a surface or a volume. Ray scattering is the most commonly used model for simulating light propagation through a scene. This can naturally be modeled probabilistically. There are many things to consider when modeling the probabilistic scattering of rays.


First, is the light absorbed?

Probability of light being scattered: $A$

Probability of light being absorbed: $1-A$

Where here $A$ stands for albedo, which is latin for whiteness. Albedo is a precise technical term in some disciplines, but in all cases it is used to define some form of fractional reflectance. This fractional reflectance (or albedo) will vary with color and (as we implemented for our glass material) can also vary with incident direction (the direction of the incoming ray). It can help to stop and remember that when we simulate light propagation, all we're doing is simulating the movement of photons through a space. If you remember your high school Physics then you should recall that every photon has a unique energy and wavelength associated by the Planck constant:

$$ E = \frac{hc}{\lambda} $$

Each individual photon has a tiny amount of energy, but when you add enough of them up you get all of the illumination in your rendering. The absorption or scattering of a photon with a surface or a volume (or really anything that a photon can interact with) is probabilistically determined by the albedo of the object. Albedo can depend on color because some objects are more likely to absorb some wavelengths.

In most physically based renderers, we would use a predefined set of specific wavelengths for the light color rather than RGB. As an example, we would replace our tristimulus RGB renderer with something that specifically samples at 300nm, 350nm, 400nm, ..., 700nm. We can extend our intuition by thinking of R, G, and B as specific algebraic mixtures of wavelengths where R is mostly red wavelengths, G is mostly green wavelengths, and B is mostly blue wavelengths. This is an approximation of the human visual system which has 3 unique sets of color receptors, called cones, that are each sensitive to different algebraic mixtures of wavelengths, roughly RGB, but are referred to as long, medium, and short cones (the names are in reference to the wavelengths that each cone is sensitive to, not the length of the cone). Just as colors can be represented by their strength in the RGB color space, colors can also be represented by how excited each set of cones is in the LMS color space (long, medium, short).


If the light does scatter, it will have a directional distribution that we can describe as a PDF over solid angle. I will refer to this as its scattering PDF: $\operatorname{pScatter}()$. The scattering PDF will vary with outgoing direction: $\operatorname{pScatter}(\omega_o)$. The scattering PDF can also vary with incident direction: $\operatorname{pScatter}(\omega_i, \omega_o)$. You can see this varying with incident direction when you look at reflections off a road -- they become mirror-like as your viewing angle (incident angle) approaches grazing. The scattering PDF can vary with the wavelength of the light: $\operatorname{pScatter}(\omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda)$. A good example of this is a prism refracting white light into a rainbow. Lastly, the scattering PDF can also depend on the scattering position: $\operatorname{pScatter}(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda)$. The $\mathbf{x}$ is just math notation for the scattering position: $\mathbf{x} = (x, y, z)$. The albedo of an object can also depend on these quantities: $A(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda)$.

The color of a surface is found by integrating these terms over the unit hemisphere by the incident direction:

$$ \operatorname{Color}_o(\mathbf{x}, \omega_o, \lambda) = \int_{\omega_i}
    A(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda) \cdot
    \operatorname{pScatter}(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda) \cdot
    \operatorname{Color}_i(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \lambda) $$

We've added a $\operatorname{Color}_i$ term. The scattering PDF and the albedo at the surface of an object are acting as filters to the light that is shining on that point. So we need to solve for the light that is shining on that point. This is a recursive algorithm, and is the reason our ray_color function returns the color of the current object multiplied by the color of the next ray.

The Scattering PDF

If we apply the Monte Carlo basic formula we get the following statistical estimate:

$$ \operatorname{Color}_o(\mathbf{x}, \omega_o, \lambda) \approx \sum
    \frac{A(\, \ldots \,) \cdot
    \operatorname{pScatter}(\, \ldots \,) \cdot
    \operatorname{Color}_i(\, \ldots \,)}
    {p(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda)} $$

where $p(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda)$ is the PDF of whatever outgoing direction we randomly generate.

For a Lambertian surface we already implicitly implemented this formula for the special case where $pScatter(\, \ldots \,)$ is a cosine density. The $\operatorname{pScatter}(\, \ldots \,)$ of a Lambertian surface is proportional to $\cos(\theta_o)$, where $\theta_o$ is the angle relative to the surface normal. Let's solve for $C$ once more:

$$ \operatorname{pScatter}(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda) = C \cdot \cos(\theta_o) $$

All two dimensional PDFs need to integrate to one over the whole surface (remember that $\operatorname{pScatter}$ is a PDF). We set $\operatorname{pScatter}(\theta_o < 0) = 0$ so that we don't scatter below the horizon.

$$ 1 = \int_{0}^{2 \pi} \int_{0}^{\pi / 2} C \cdot cos(\theta) dA $$

To integrate over the hemisphere, remember that in spherical coordinates:

$$ dA = \sin(\theta) d\theta d\phi $$


$$ 1 = C \cdot \int_{0}^{2 \pi} \int_{0}^{\pi / 2} cos(\theta) sin(\theta) d\theta d\phi $$
$$ 1 = C \cdot 2 \pi \frac{1}{2} $$
$$ 1 = C \cdot \pi $$
$$ C = \frac{1}{\pi} $$

The integral of $\cos(\theta_o)$ over the hemisphere is $\pi$, so we need to we need to normalize by $\frac{1}{\pi}$. The PDF $\operatorname{pScatter}$ is only dependent on outgoing direction ($\omega_o$), so we'll simplify its representation to just $\operatorname{pScatter}(\omega_o)$. Put all of this together and you get the scattering PDF for a Lambertian surface:

$$ \operatorname{pScatter}(\omega_o) = \frac{\cos(\theta_o)}{\pi} $$

We'll assume that the $p(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda)$ is equal to the scattering PDF:

$$ p(\omega_o) = \operatorname{pScatter}(\omega_o) = \frac{\cos(\theta_o)}{\pi} $$

The numerator and denominator cancel out, and we get:

$$ \operatorname{Color}_o(\mathbf{x}, \omega_o, \lambda) \approx \sum
    A(\, \ldots \,) \cdot
    \operatorname{Color}_i(\, \ldots \,) $$

This is exactly what we had in our original ray_color() function!

return attenuation * ray_color(scattered, depth-1, world);

The treatment above is slightly non-standard because I want the same math to work for surfaces and volumes. If you read the literature, you’ll see reflection defined by the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF). It relates pretty simply to our terms:

$$ BRDF(\omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda) = \frac{A(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda) \cdot
    \operatorname{pScatter}(\mathbf{x}, \omega_i, \omega_o, \lambda)}{\cos(\theta_o)} $$

So for a Lambertian surface for example, $BRDF = A / \pi$. Translation between our terms and BRDF is easy. For participating media (volumes), our albedo is usually called the scattering albedo, and our scattering PDF is usually called the phase function.

All that we've done here is outline the PDF for the Lambertian scattering of a material. However, we'll need to generalize so that we can send extra rays in important directions, such as toward the lights.

Last update: 2023-08-13